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2015 RUC Banquet

2015 RUC Banquet

Wow, What an amazing RUC Benefit Banquet on March 5, 2015!  Jeffrey Dean shared eye-opening information on the teen culture.  The RUC Instructors shared our Roller Coaster demonstration which not only left the audience in stitches, but explained some things in a way that brought new understanding!  It was an entertaining, eye-opening adventure.

RUC is very thankful for everyone’s participation and very humbled by your support.  We are so honored to be able to share the truth with our youth.  We love our youth deeply enough to share the truth so that they have the potential to form strong families in the future.   Thank you for partnering with us.  This year we saw a 10% increase in giving over last year.

You may request a DVD of the evening to share with your friends.  Please join us on Facebook at Relationships Under Construction or visit us on the web at  Our youth site is


Special thanks to:

  1. Jerry Revish, 10 TV;

  2. Bob Burney, WRFD AM 880 Radio

  3. Pastor Mark Fuller, Grove City Nazarene

  4. Jeffrey Dean, Special Speaker

  5. Catherine Wood, President of RUC

Father James Walter, St. Joseph’s

Scott McFarland, RUC Instructor

The Roller Coaster Ride!

Jeffrey Dean, National expert on teen culture

Our college students who helped with the banquet

Jody Adams, CPA and RUC Board member

The amazing musicians Ben Sexton and Jeff Campbell.

Thank you for attending the RUC Banquet, DVDs will be available soon.

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