As a public school teacher in Morrow County, I was privileged to have Relationships Under Construction Teachers come into my classroom to teach students the blueprint for strong future families over many years.
I saw first hand that this dynamic program has on students in junior high and high school! The teachers are energetic, enthusiastic, and truly care about the future of our youth. They hold the students attention with activities that are informative and relate to the daily lives of the young people.
Now, as a retired Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher, I serve on the RUC Board of Directors and get to work with the Catherine Wood and the RUC instructors, and other board members to help impact youth in decision making, goal setting & risk avoidance.
I have chosen to be a monthly donor to this organization so that we can continue to get the message of truth out to our young people! Thank you for your continued support of RUC and please remember to support this important program monthly so that we can reach even more youth in the future!
Faith Jagger, BS Home Economics Education